The principals of the firm have a long history of pro bono services for diverse causes, including, in part, the representation of the American Holocaust Survivors, Amputee Coalition of America, and United States Veterans’ families.
In the case of the American Holocaust Survivors, we collaborated with several law firms and state lobbyists, all working pro bono, to secure reparations from the French Government which had previously be denied to American holocaust survivors and their families.
While working with the Amputee Coalition of America, we were successful in passing the Maryland Prosthetic Parity Act which provided healthcare insurance benefits for prosthetic devices.
In 2009, The Washington Post published an article detailing the mishandling of the human remains of veterans awaiting burial at Arlington National Cemetery.
Bill represented a family that was devasted by the funeral homes callous actions and was successful in passing the Handling Human Remains with Dignity Act of 2012 which forcefully regulated the handling and transportation of human remains.
In addition to pro bono services the principals are dedicated to supporting local charitable causes.